攝影師專訪|西子灣 海洋風 美式婚禮 戶外婚禮 – 結合中西文化的真愛冒險
攝影師專訪|西子灣 海洋風 美式婚禮 戶外婚禮 – 結合中西文化的真愛冒險
+ 作品頁面:婚禮攝影 | Maggie & Jonathan, 高雄 西子灣沙灘會館
+ 國際版: https://www.praisewed.com/?p=10785
+ 亞洲中文版: https://www.praisewedding.com/archives/13053
This Beautiful Seaside Wedding Filled with Infectious Love Will Make You Smile And Cry!
The most precious moments we love about this seaside wedding are the simple ones. The pre-wedding first look, the madly-in-love way the couple looks at one another, the infectious joy when the groom makes the bride laugh, and the deep family love that cannot be expressed through words. Maggie & Jon’s wedding is a beautiful celebration filled with true emotions and countless precious moments. Get ready to feel the love as we share the complete look of their big day captured by Roger Wu.
一段深刻真切的感情,有時候最需要的不是所謂對的人,而是兩顆願意的心。攜手走過無數挑戰的新人 Maggie & Jon,用執著的深情突破了中西文化的冒險,而他們的婚禮就如同這段堅韌的愛情一般,有著獨特自主的個性,和豐富生動的情感交流。首次看到由優質攝影師 Roger Wu 為這對新人所拍攝的 戶外婚禮 照片,就被婚禮中真情流露的互動所深深感動;沒有任何華麗的添加,只有最真實自然的心靈相通,每個情緒都傳遞著震撼人心的感染力。一探他們的愛情故事和婚禮策劃過程,更是有別於傳統的認知和規模,帶來全新的浪漫溫度。
The Love Story
From the Bride, Maggie: We met in summer 2009, on a stormy raining day in Taiwan. A friend from my running club introduced Jon to me. What was my first impression? “This guy is so skinny, and he doesn’t seem to have very good fashion senses”.
After being “friends” for about one and a half years, we decided to try it out and started dating. We’ve been through up and downs, lots of batttles and cold wars, but I guess because we’re both quite stubborn and didn’t want to give up easily, we managed to make it through!
From the groom, Jon: I had a really good friend, Vita, and we were part of the same running club. She brought Maggie along one day and I remembered thinking, “Hmm, she’s a looker”, and she had a bit of red hair, I remember that too.
Fast forward 4 years and Vita, Maggie, and I are on a beach in Singapore. I took out a ring I had kept secret until this point, it was a perfect beach proposal except for one thing – I forgot what I was going to say! So what came out was, “I really love you so, do you uh want to marry me?”
Through the years Maggie and I have gone through many battles and we see and feel the marks left on the other. Now we are learning how to grow together and walk the same path, it still is challenging, but it’s starting to become more of an adventure where we face the challenges together.
新娘 Maggie:2009 的夏天,我們於基隆颱風天相遇,那年我剛畢業北上工作,在朋友介紹下參加了慢跑團體。我記得那天下午大雨滂沱,大夥穿越大街小巷奔跑著,在活動結束後,朋友拉著我走向Jon,介紹我們互相認識。問我對Jon的第一印象嗎(笑)? 那時心想:「哇!這個人好瘦,穿著有點邋遢,十分不修邊幅」!
2011 年的四月,當了一年半好朋友的我們,決定試著交往看看。交往中經歷了無數次爭吵、冷戰,但我想應該是因為我們雙方都十分固執和執著,才延續了這樣的緣份吧!
新郎 Jon: 我是透過一位很好的朋友, Vita, 認識了在慢跑團體中的Maggie。記得當時Vita 把 Maggie 帶到我面前介紹我們認識,我第一眼印象就覺得“Hmm, she’s a looker” (她很迷人),還有她的髮色很特別,有帶點紅色。
快轉4年,同樣是我們三個人,在新加坡的海邊,我拿出了藏了好一陣子的求婚戒指,一切準備就緒要向Maggie求婚。但就在這個緊要關頭,我居然忘了自己要說什麼! 於是最後我就弱弱的問了一句: “我真的很愛妳,呃…那…妳要嫁給我嗎?”
我跟Maggie 在一起經歷了很多,也因為大大小小的摩擦,而在彼此心上留下了不可取代的記號。老實說,感情的經營對我們來說至今仍是個挑戰,但不同的是我們已經學會把困難看成一種冒險,而這場冒險是我們兩個人都願意一起去面對和征服的。
Wedding Planning Thoughts
Maggie: During the planning process, we kept on asking ourselves what’s necessary and what’s not. Luckily, our parents gave us complete freedom to choose whatever style and details we wanted, so we could plan a wedding that’s truly personal. However, due to different cultural traditions, some relatives and friends still had concerns about our decisions, from the color of the flowers to doing things the traditional way, etc. It did create a little stress over time, but we tried our best to follow our own hearts – to have a happy wedding where family and friends come together for a relaxed celebration!
Maggie: 在籌備婚禮的過程中,我們不斷的思考和討論什麼是必要的,而什麼又是可取捨的。十分幸運地,雙方家長給予我們百分之百的自由,去決定婚禮想要呈現的形式與風格。當然非傳統的婚禮呈現,不時還是會接收到親友反應:「什麼? 沒有人這樣做吧?」;亦或是「不好吧? 別人都有這個呢!」; 甚至在詢價不同花藝設計師時: 「你們確定要藍白做基底?不加任何粉紅或紅色系列的花材點綴?妳確定台灣的長輩會同意嗎?」
準備到一段落,聽到這些不免徬徨緊張,但誰不希望自己的婚禮是我們真正喜歡的樣子? 所以最終還是決定按照自己的喜好辦一場與眾不同、別於以往,帶給所有親友感動且歡樂的婚禮,如同一場溫馨快樂的同樂會一般。
Wedding Planning Process
Maggie: We planed our wedding overseas, so everything had to be booked and set early, including all wedding vendors. In the planning process, I acted like the Executive Director, and Jon was the Chief Financial Officer and Quality Controller!
Designs & Details
Wedding Theme Color: Navy blue
Number of Guests and Budget: Around 200 people; we tried to keep our budget within US $27K
Favorite Wedding Detail: We loved our wedding logo designed by my cousin
The Outfits
Maggie: I traveled to Hong Kong with my mom to search for my dream wedding dress. We spent the whole day looking for “the one”, and luckily, we found it!
We kept things simple for the groom’s outfits. Jon doesn’t like to shop for anything except for tech gears, so we picked from what he had in his closet – a white dress shirt, dark blue suit, and a bow tie.
For the bridal party, we simply asked them to dress according to our theme color – navy blue dresses and dress pants.
Maggie: 因長住在海外,所以在一年多前就下訂了飯店及證婚儀式地點。甚至於攝影師、婚宴主持人及新秘也是很早就簽訂合約。籌備過程中,我是執行者及監程工頭,Jon 則如同把關者和財務長。
婚禮主題顏色: 海軍藍
賓客人數及預算: 200人,預算期望在台幣80萬以下
最喜愛的設計細節: 我們找了許多中意的風格圖鑑,彙整後請表哥設計獨一無二的婚禮Logo貼紙,成品出來後我們都十分滿意!
Maggie: 在朋友引薦下,我帶了媽媽去香港一趟,玩樂之餘,我們花了幾乎一整天的時間尋找自己想要白紗。幸運地,當天就找到了我和媽媽都好喜歡的款式,我還記得那時腦中頓時有個興奮的聲音告訴我:「就是它了!快去殺價!」。
Most Memorable Wedding Moments
Maggie: The most memorable moment for me was I had to express my gratitude towards our parents. I couldn’t look them into the eyes, and couldn’t stop crying. Jon was holding my hand tightly, and I saw tears in his eyes too. It was such an emotionnal moment.
Jon: One unforgettable moment from my wedding was my sister’s suggestion. She said that the day will be over and you will be exhausted before you know it, you’ll be surrounded by people all the time and won’t have a moment to yourself unless you take one. So that’s exactly what we did. After we got ready but before the wedding, we saw each other for the first time. The first look was just the two of us (plus the camera at a distance), it was so magical, and we cried like babies, ugly crying, not beautiful crying!
A Groom’s Guide to Planning a Wedding
Jon: Guy advice on having a wedding – I have two suggestions: one, be a part of the process, even though it’s all about her, and two, get a good photographer, a picture is worth a thousand words so even if the wedding sucks, he’ll make you look good. I got Roger Wu, I met him in Cambodia as he was taking pictures pro bono. He took some amazing shots, and we were lucky enough to have him shoot our wedding!
Maggie: 最難忘的莫非於向父母及公婆致謝的過程,當下我無法直視長輩們的眼睛,哭得像孩子般用力;Jon 緊抓著我的手,當我看向他時,發現他眼淚在眼眶打轉,努力地試圖讓眼淚別落下。
Jon: 我最難忘的時刻是屬於我和 Maggie 的 First Look (新人初次見面)。這個安排是因為聽了家人的建議,說婚禮當天會很忙,時間也過得飛快,完全不會有自己的獨處時光。因此我和Maggie各別打扮好後,在婚禮正式開始之前,安排了只有我們兩個人 (和有段距離的攝影鏡頭) 的初次見面。那是我第一次看到她穿上婚紗的樣子。當時我們兩個都哭慘了,不是唯美浪漫的哭,是哭到像小孩那樣很醜的大哭,但是心裡卻是滿滿的感動。
Jon: 有關於男生在婚禮策劃的過程中到底要注意什麼,我有兩個誠懇的建議: 第一,一定要有參與感! 雖然婚禮是讓新娘開心最重要,但是新郎千萬不要置身事外,一定要參與在整個策劃的過程中。
第二,找一個真正專業的好攝影師,因為一張照片真的勝過一千字的描述! 就算你在婚禮中難免有小失誤的地方,或有些事情無法完全按照計劃或進入最完美的狀態,你的攝影師還是可以讓你看起來很完美 (而且透過影像在大家的記憶中永遠完美)! 我的婚禮攝影師是 Roger Wu,他是我在柬普寨結識的朋友,當年就看過他在志工服務中攝影的樣子,知道他專業又認真,很值得信賴。果然,他為我們的婚禮拍攝出好多超棒的照片,讓我們覺得真的太幸運能請到他來幫忙捕捉這些珍貴的畫面!
Thoughts From the Photographer
Roger Wu: I first met Jon in Cambodia when I was volunteering for photo documentary of high school students, and he was a teacher back then. When we got off the plane, our team lead taught us some basic local language, but I couldn’t remember a thing. Jon was able to take notes and almost memorize them all! He could communicate fluently with local kids when we arrived. All the children loved him and he was able to make them laugh all the time. During this trip, Jon’s attitude taught me that language is never the real barrier between people, as long as your heart is real, no distance can keep us apart.
It was my honor to photograph Jon and Maggie’s wedding. I could really feel the love between them just by witnessing their interaction on the wedding day. Jon could always make Maggie laugh, and the way they looked at each other said a lot about their strong relationship.
One thing that touched me the most on their wedding day was family love. When Maggie was speaking to her parents, her mom kept on comforting her and saying “don’t cry”, and on the other hand, I saw tears rolling down on the face of Jon’s dad. I was amazed by the bond of two different cultures, so different yet so close!
與新郎的相識 – 攝影師眼中的 Jon
攝影師 Roger Wu: 我在熱帶國家柬普寨認識了 Jon,那一年我為以立國際志工服務在柬普寨拍攝工作紀錄,那個梯隊的組成是一所私立高中學校,Jon 則是該學校梯隊的帶隊老師。
記得當時一下飛機,領隊在遊覽車上教我們當地的問候語,他很快用羅馬拼音抄寫在自己的筆記本上,當我們下車時我已經差不多忘光了,他卻已經能「流利的」用當地的問候語逗村民笑。我對Jon 印象最深刻的一幕是,他反帶著帽子,跟當地村民小孩玩在一起,孩子們都喜歡他,他可以輕易地逗得他們咯咯笑。他的純真教了我一件事: 人與人之間的語言,從來不會是距離,心才是最大的距離。
Jon 也是工作最賣力的那個人,我們用圓鍬攪拌水泥砌磚牆搭建廁所,他總是把最粗重的工作攬在身上。那幾天裡他一直在幫學生們拍照,我一度以為他也是攝影的愛好者,聊了天才知道他原本是從來不拍照的,為學生們拍照是他工作的一部分,因為遠在台灣的學生家長隨時要看到自己的小孩,所以帶隊老師就成了跟蹤攝影機。有幾天晚上我們會一起喝吳哥啤酒,Jon 告訴我他以前經常一個人去世界各地旅行,用最節省的方式,身上只要有書就不會無聊;我覺得他是一個懂得生活,可以跟自己相處的人。
Jon 有點靦腆、還有點害羞,這讓我覺得很跳Tone,也反而覺得是他很可愛的地方,總之,我覺得 Jon 是個善良的好人,更是一個值得信賴的朋友。
About the Photographer – Roger Wu
With a combination of his love for fine art and innate eye for storytelling, Roger Wu captures images that truly illuminate special moments in life. He creates timeless images that reflect the special, unique details on your special day, from the biggest moments to the smallest touches.
Roger Wu: “I love photos with true emotions. Precious moments only appear once, but through photography, they can be captured and kept forever. If you like my work, feel free to contact me, I look forward to witnessing your love story!”
Roger Wu: 我覺得Jon有一種特異功能,就是可以輕易的讓 Maggie發笑,彷彿Maggie笑點很低一樣。他們無疑是天生一對,從他們婚禮上的眼神之中,可以深刻感受到他們很相愛,真實的互動和表情都是充分的印證。
Jon & Maggie 的婚禮當天,其中一個讓我很感動的時刻是當新娘一開口,媽媽一再說不要哭、不要哭,試圖壓抑內心的情感;另一端,我則看到新郎的爸爸不自禁的潸然淚下,全然表達出自己對家人的心情。我看見了兩個不同的文化結合,儘管我們是多麼地不同,然而愛情終究讓彼此緊密地在一起。
攝影師 Roger Wu 簡介
Roger Wu: 我喜歡從照片裡真實的情感,用這樣的心情探索人們的內在風景,也用這樣的態度完成每一張照片,華麗之後,真情流淌的一瞬,才是令人眷戀的唯一風景。我在尋找跟我想法一致的新人,如果您也喜歡我的照片,請與我聯繫,期待能參與你們的婚禮盛會,見證你們的愛情!
Find the photographer – Roger Wu:
Additional Vendor Information:
Wedding Photography & Cinematography:Roger Wu / Essence Photography
Wedding MC: Hiiler Wedding
Hair & Makeup: Mitty Makeup Studio
+ 作品頁面:婚禮攝影 | Maggie & Jonathan, 西子灣沙灘會館