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You Are Our Sweetest Adventure – Beautiful Family Baby Session
What does it feel like to really experience unconditional love? Sometimes while we try to teach our children all about love, our children teach us what love is all about. This is the way baby Anaïs’ parents felt after she was born. When we first saw today’s family session, we were instantly smitten with this little girl and the intimate, natural images captured by Roger Wu. Such beautiful light and the sweetest moments perfectly presented with genuine love! Join us as we share this lovely family story.
人生中有許多值得紀念的第一次,對父母來說,第一次真實體會到對一個新生命無條件的愛,是永生難忘的。新手爸媽要面對許多前所未有的挑戰,但因為這份純淨而強烈的愛,讓一切的辛苦都變為幸福。可愛小寶貝 Anaïs 就是在這樣一個愛的環境中成長的女孩,從她甜美的笑容和無暇的眼神中,彷彿看見爸媽 Patrick & Sandrine 對她的寵愛。優質攝影師 Roger Wu 以最自然真摯的方式,完美捕捉這個家庭中的甜蜜氛圍,細膩地紀錄最親密的親子關係,呈現出充滿感染力的愛的力量。
Journey of Parenthood
From the parents, Patrick & Sandrine: Parenthood was a new journey that we were excited to embark on but at the same time a bit scared too. When we first learned that we were expecting, it felt like our lives would never be the same! Will we have less couple time? Will we turn into sleepless zombies? Will we become slaves of a little human with no more social life?
The pregnancy was such a magical journey. We remember the first time we heard her heartbeat during a prenatal check up, the first kick in mommy’s belly and the first time we met her the day she was born.
The next chapter was even more magical. The day Anaïs was born, our lives did change but it changed for the best. Nothing could have prepared us to imagine how much love we felt for such a little being. We immediately felt in love, overwhelmed by joy and pride. She was beautiful and we couldn’t stop looking at her!
Patrick & Sandrine: 即將成為父母的心情是充滿興奮,卻也感到些許害怕的。當我們剛得知懷孕的消息時,彷彿感覺我們的世界就要完全被顛覆了! 我們會不會再也沒有時間享受兩人世界? 每天缺乏睡眠? 又或者再也沒有社交生活? 一開始我們心裡充滿了擔憂。
懷孕期間是一場奇妙的旅程。第一次在產檢時聽到Anaïs 的心跳,第一次感受到她踢媽媽的肚子,和她出生時第一次與她面對面,每一個經歷都是那麼感動和難忘。
Anaïs 出生後,我們的生活確實改變了,但這是最美好的改變。所有的心理準備,都不及當我們真實感受到對這個孩子的愛時,那種強烈的震撼和每天在愛中的感覺。我們內心充滿了驕傲和喜悅,她是如此地漂亮,讓我們總忍不住一直想盯著她看!
Challenges and Growth
Patrick & Sandrine: Of course there were those times with breastfeeding struggles, sleepless nights or poo explosions, but with just a little teethless grin from her, everything was worth it.
A year later, we have learned so much from her, from being just the two of us to being a family of three. She completes us, making our bond stronger. We are changed forever – we are parents to a beautiful little girl: ANAÏS.
Patrick & Sandrine: 帶孩子當然有很多挑戰需要克服,像是餵奶的辛苦、失眠的夜,和弄得一團亂的便便! 但是只要孩子露出一個可愛的微笑,我們就覺得一切挑戰都是值得的!
一年後的今天,我們在Anaïs 身上學習到了太多無價的東西。從兩個人成為三個人的家庭,是她完整了我們的生命,讓我們的關係更加緊密。我們的人生和身份都永遠不再一樣,如今我們可以很驕傲地說,我們是Anaïs 的父母!
Photoshoot Inspiration
From the photographer, Roger Wu: Simple and geniune were my vision for this photoshoot. I wanted to capture the intimacy between Anaïs and her parents through their natural interaction in everyday life. Natural light was used throughout the session. A simple photograph helps people to remember and to create an everlasting moment, and that’s what I’m trying to express through this photoshoot.
攝影師 Roger Wu: 不管是場地、服裝的選擇,以及以自然光做為全部的光源,我選擇在隨性的情況下進行拍攝,希望以最簡單的樣子、在最接近生活的原貌下,去呈現Anaïs一家人的樣子。這樣的影像最接近真實記憶,經過時間歲月的洗滌,日後將越能感受到照片的份量。
Thoughts from the photographer
Roger Wu: I had the honor to photograph Patrick & Sandrine’s wedding back in 2012, and two years later, Anaïs was born. It’s amazing to see how much this couple’s life grew and transformed because of Anaïs. During the photoshoot I was so touched to see the way Patrick held his baby daughter, with true love shining through his eyes. I wanted to capture this precious love completely and geniunely. I wish the warmth from Patrick & Sandrine’s love will forever surround baby Anaïs as she begins her beautiful journey of life.
Roger Wu: 2012年,我有幸拍攝Sandrine & Patrick的婚禮, 參與了他們生命中最重要的時刻。兩年後 Anaïs誕生了,看著他們的生命中的變化和成長,感受迎接新生命的喜悅與美好,我感到無比的激動和欣喜!
我看著 Patrick 擁著Anaïs,眼裡道盡父親的溫柔,然而他懷中的溫暖,我有沒有完整地保留下來呢?希望這股溫熱印記常伴Anaïs,支持著她展開人生的路!
About the photographer
With a combination of his love for fine art and innate eye for storytelling, Roger Wu captures images that truly illuminate special moments in life. He creates timeless images that reflect the special, unique details on your special day, from the biggest moments to the smallest touches.
Roger Wu: “Love is the spirit of weddings, and I follow Him. I love photos with true emotions – a mother’s tears, a father’s hug, and promises between couples, these precious moments only appear once, but through photography, they can be captured and kept forever.”
Roger Wu (吳秉謙): 愛是婚禮的靈魂,我追逐著祂, 從美學出發,紀實烙下巂永片刻。在光影漫妙處,捕捉內在風景,父親的擁抱、母親的淚水、情人的承諾,片刻光影沒有機會從來,為別具意義的一天,披上劇照般的戲劇性光澤,真摯樸實的一瞬,足以溫習一輩子。我喜歡真情流淌的照片,那裡藏有世上最美的風景, 我在尋找這樣的新人,如果您跟我有一樣的想法,也喜歡我的照片,請與我聯繫,期待能參與你們的婚禮盛會,見證你們的愛情!
Find the photographer – Roger Wu: